Clergy & Staff

Church office hours are Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and by appointment. Clergy and staff are available remotely as well.


The Rev. Monica Mainwaring


(404) 228 - 0750

Email Monica

The Rev. Josh Hilton

Associate Rector for Children, Youth, and Families

(404) 228 - 0754

Email Josh

The Rev. Victoria Jarvis


(404) 228 - 0763

Email Victoria


Assisting Clergy

The Rev. Dr. Ken Swanson

Assisting Clergy

Email Ken

The Rev. Brandon Duke

School Chaplain & Assisting Clergy

(404) 228 - 0742

Email Brandon



Will Gotmer

Music Minister

(404) 228 - 0753

Email Will

Molly Herman-Gallow

Communications Coordinator

(404) 228 - 0758

Email Molly

Quentin Lonon

Facilities Manager

(404) 228 - 0756

Email Quentin

Maryann Lozano

Handbell Choir Director

Email Maryann

Sydney Phillips

Nursery Lead

(404) 228 - 0778

Email Sydney

Leslie Rose

Business Administrator

(404) 228 - 0755

Email Leslie

Consuela Smikle-Williams

Parish Administrator

(404) 228 - 0752

Email Consuela


St. Martin’s Episcopal School

Maria Madden
Head of School
(404) 237 - 4260
Email Maria


The Rev. Brandon Duke
(404) 228 - 0742
Email Brandon


Blythe Marsau
Director of Enrollment Management & Financial Aid
(404) 228 - 0709
Email Blythe