
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrew 12:1-2, NRSV

The Episcopal Church has published a few books that catalog the saints and people of importance in our faith. These include Lesser Feasts and Fasts; Holy Women, Holy Men; and A Great Cloud of Witnesses. They offer a date of remembrance, the story of the person/people, and a collect to pray with them.

During the summer between graduating college at Sewanee: The University of the South and beginning seminary at Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, I worked as an intern at our beloved St. Martin's. I worked under our interim rector Allan Sandlin who popped into my office one day to show me the book A Great Cloud of Witnesses. I was unaware of the volume at that point and was amazed by the stories it held.

Allan was showing me this book around the celebration of the Philadelphia 11. The Philadelphia 11 were a group of eleven women who were ordained in Philadelphia in 1974 before women's ordination to the priesthood was officially recognized and permitted by the Episcopal Church. These pioneering women paved the way for women's ordination as we now know it.

Allan shared their story with me as I was about to go to seminary. This was yet another moment of affirmation from the St. Martin's community. My call and my faith have grown through the St. Martin's community for many years now.

This holy moment in the St. Martin's offices shared with a special colleague, mentor, and friend even inspired a research project about the many pioneering women who paved the path for women in ministry, those women who have created the possibility for me to follow my call from God.

Even with all the learning I have had in the past three years at seminary, so much of my education in ministry was from being a part of the St. Martin's community. You have offered me the chance to learn, to lead, to pray, to preach, to be a pilgrim, to journey to seminary. You are a great cloud of witnesses. Our Christian faith holds a great cloud of witnesses. We are indeed surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses everywhere we go. Let us learn from them and rest in their witness of our Savior Jesus Christ.

A Great Cloud of Witnesses is available as a PDF online. I encourage you to take a look. Flip through the table of contents and see who speaks to you and sparks your interest. I pray you may find a story of inspiration and grounding!

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