Hymn and Anthem recording projects
General Instructions:
1. Listen to the recording on headphones or earpods as you record to prevent your microphone from picking it up.
2. After you have finished singing, wait at least 2 seconds before you move to cut off the recording device. (Cutting off your device is noisy!)
3. The preferred audio format is .wav, but I can convert any format that you send.
4. Naming your file: Please include at least your first name, and a word or two from the hymn title or the hymn number.
5. Video needed for anthems only! No need to record video for hymns and service music.
Epiphany Hymns: Deadline Monday January 4 at 10:00 p.m.
Christ when for us you were baptized
Sing all 4 stanzas
I’m beating the quarter note, which equals 10 quarter notes per measure
2 measures of click track before the introduction. To keep from getting lost, count both measures out loud, with a final clap at the end. But don’t worry if get you lost. It’s not that critical to get it right. I can still line everything up no matter what you do!
| 1 - 2 - 3 -4 -5 - 6 - 7 -8 - 9 - 10 | 1 - 2 - 3 -4 -5 - 6 - 7 -8 - 9 - Clap | introduction
The sinless one to Jordan came
Sing all 6 stanzas!!
4 measures of click track before the introduction:
| click - click - click | click - click - click |1 - 2 - 3 | Clap - click - click | introduction
Permission to record practice tracks granted under One License #R-196497
Recent recordings: Advent, Christmas, and The Epiphany
Recent recordings: All Saints Day and Remembrance Sunday