
I’ve been a member of St. Martin’s for many years.  I love that St. Martin’s is a church home for my son, Ted.  It warms my heart when he asks to go to Sunday School. Recently, he said “I bet Ms. Charlotte wonders where I am”.  I know that Ms. Charlotte is thinking about all the kids in the nursery. 

Another reason I love St. Martin’s is the opportunity for service. The service opportunities The Suthers Center provides are important to our faith and community. Father Suthers gave a sermon years ago that has stuck with me for probably more than a decade. It was a sermon about the prodigal son. When I see the prodigal son gospel, that’s usually code for me to zone out since I don’t care for the prodigal son; I find the guy very annoying. Father Suthers’s sermon was about a homeless man asking for change from some runners and then the runners realized they needed some of the change back and asked the homeless man if they could have some of the change returned to them. Father Suthers said “we are all in this life together”. That message has stayed with me. Through St. Martin’s we can commune and serve in this life together.

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